Russian River: Our Vision, Our Future
Project Overview
The creation of the Russian River Redevelopment Project Strategic Plan is a comprehensive,
citizen-based planning process that will provide direction for community development efforts in the Russian River communities of
western Sonoma County.

The process is sponsored by the Russian River Redevelopment Oversight Committee (RRROC) through Sonoma County and led by a Strategic Planning Subcommittee (SPS) consisting of four RRROC members and five local citizens.

The strategic plan will prioritize projects and expenditures based on community values and vision for the future.

The plan will identify where the community wants to go,
what it will take to get there, and how assets will be allocate to attain the desired results.

The process is based upon the following key principals:

  • Extensive public involvement and communication.
  • Detailed financial analysis.
  • Development and implementation of value-based Evaluation Criteria.
  • Creation of an understandable and community-embraced strategy for the future.

We invite you to participate in public events, provide comments through this Website, and monitor progress through various media outlets and the RRROC newsletter.

Key Documents
(click for document)

Solutions Forum Summary Report

Public Involvement Plan

Vision Event Opening Presentation

Vision Event Closing Presentation

Visioning Events Questionnaire

Community Values and Vision Adopted 11-1-06

Visioning Event Summary Report

Spanish Translated Documents/En Espanol

Plan Estratijico

Foro Hispano Comunitario

If you would like to send comments to the planning team, please send to:
Boris Sztorch,
Sonoma County Community Development Commission
Redevelopment Manager
Email link: